Schlagwort-Archive: theorie

Social Influence Manifesto

Niall Cook, Community Manager @ Hill & Knowlton proposed these 5 points as the key pillars of social media influence

  1. Influence is determined by the receiver not the transmitter. Attempts to measure influence based on volume of output are misguided and futile.
  2. Influence is contextual. People are influential about something. Knowing what that ’something’ is, is the key to accurately measuring influence.
  3. Value is a proxy for influence. Things that people are willing to reward carry more influence for them.
  4. Influence is about behaviour. To be influential, the receiver has to do something, whether that’s change their opinion, buy a product, or pass on a joke. Measure the actions.
  5. Influential people do not influence everyone. People can be influential without influencing.

Maybe not rocket science, but good to have it in writing. Well, point 5 seems a bit like marketing buzz bullshit, but what he probably means is right: influence is not necessarily intended. Probably that’s even the outcome when the 3 main building blocks come together:Context meets behaviour meets context. Bang.


In diesem Zusammenhang natuerlich fast schon standard: die razorfish SIM praesentation

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